Monday, March 16, 2009

The Blossom

There was this seed which someone planted in a garden. Now the garden said,'This's your home now and you are welcome ! ' The soil said,'I'll nourish you, bathe you, provide you all comforts and hold you strong.' The seed was happy that it was being pampered. The tiny insects moving about the seed in the soil were its friends. But its favorite friend was the Earthworm. Days passed with the seed getting fed thoroughly but still it said to itself,'Something is missing. I am content, I am happy, but I want something more. I want to be Euphoric about something, say for all the time. How can that be possible ? I have got all the love and care that I need. I want to be something, do something with the kind of foundation I have with me.' So it burst open to a whole new world of razzle and dazzle of the Sun. The seed loved this and saw itself transformed into an attractive pair of breathtaking green leaves and a slender light green stem. It happily took all the brightness in and said,'I need to do some more with what I have got, this new found freedom above'. So it moved its leaves as if in a rhythm which later turned out to be a dance, tuned to the melody of the bird's music. Oh ! was it ecstatic? You bet it was ! But the soil was not very happy with this change. It had covered the seed, protected it, fed it and suddenly it didn't belong to it anymore. At least that's what the soil thought. Slowly the dusk set in. The shoot wondered,' What's wrong? Where's the glitter vanishing?' And then it was night. The spirit sank but the freshness in the young plant wouldn't budge. It said,'I'll stand tall till this darkness passes, I'll rise further up where no one can stop me from blossoming'. But there was night after every day which the seedling couldn't avoid. It wanted to bend the rules though and thought 'What if there was no night at all?' It would be such a lot of fun. But it had learnt few lessons in life. The soil still held it tight whether it was brightness or dark. The plantlet said to itself,' A day will come when there will be no darkness, the glitter all the time for me to dance till I drop. I'll however, wait for the day'. The soil meanwhile grumbled and told the budding plant that it felt unloved and deserted. The plant told the soil,' How can I ever live without you? I have to have you throughout my life and its you who I need to blossom ! I need your nourishment, the same love and care that you started with. Its with that I'll bloom. The soil wasn't convinced. It thought the seedling had the sun's brightness, the bird's songs, the cool breeze...all new found friends and so it didn't bother about the soil at all. The soil blamed itself that may be all these days it hadn't given the seed enough, the reason why it decided to shoot up instead of being in its cosy dwelling.
Could someone tell the soil that its position in the blossoming plantlet's life was something special ? That the seedling cannot be stopped from growing and branching out. To bear the flower and the fruit, to CREATE, it needs all that the soil can give. And if the soil felt dejected and refused, it would cause the young plant to wither. The seedling can't live without opening and spreading out into the sunshine !


  1. To love and then let go are two conflicting emotions.

    I see a simile here-that of a mother sensing that her child is growing up and will leave her nest soon. Am I right?

  2. Kudos! for this mesmerising post.
    I felt kinda realte to this one. I am moved by enthu of lil seed and also the delimma of soil. I wish that soil will understand the significance of his love in seed's world. I wish that day come very soon otherswise lots of other seeds will never dare to go froth.
