Friday, April 17, 2009


A well is its synonym
A vacuum-this's what the mind says
Yes, a well can be filled..
Void ? Space ?
Did anything exist here before ?
That's now emptied ?
If that is so
Then life's waiting...sure it will
Wandering thoughts, mysterious journeys
Known traveler
who for reasons known to him
The heart goes out for him
reason says stop!
So hitched I am
Life's new lesson
Am willing to take
 there's so much to learn


  1. The fountainhead is spouting questions

    & then there are Wandering Hearts and Constraining Reasons...

    why do i feel a slight refrain of compromise here...or am i reading too much and understanding little?

  2. Hmm! life's about seeking answers, isn't it ? Restraint gives the urge for freedom, refrain-the fire to go farther...
